
Rule 1. If the word is countable, you must always put an article (a/an/my/his/etc.)

Rule 2. Also use if there are adjectives before the noun.

Ex: He drives an old car.

Rule 3. Never use a/an with plural words.

Ex: I asked her for advice. = ADVICE is uncountable.

Rule 4. Use THE to talk about specific things

Ex: I caught a train to London.=It doesn’t matter which train.

Ex: The train was late.=That particular train was late.

Rule 5. Often use A when we mention something for the first time, and then change to THE when it’s clear which thing we are talking about.

Ex: He was talking to a man.The man was laughing. 

Rule 6. We also use THE when it is obvious which thing we are talking about or when there is only one of something.

Ex: Could you please shut the door.

Article expections

*We don’t use A/AN before the name of meal.(BREAKFAST/LUNCH/DINNER)

*We don’t use A/AN before words like school,prison,or college when we are talking about them in a general way.

*We use THE before the name of shops,or places where we go for service when they are the ones we usually go to.

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